Pinoy Robot Games has successfully concluded the National Robotics Competition (VIRTUAL) from April 10 until May 15, 2021. Here below are the list of winners for the Virtual Robot Rugby. NAME OF PARTICIPANT SCHOOL / PROVINCE RANK Ken Andrei Delos SantosFiona Nathalie RosgaZidane Kadmiel ValerioAngelo FeridoLemuel Solomon Cavite City First Place Arjenniel R. AguirreAdrian C. HernandezSean Carlo O. SamonteRomero Miguel…

Partnership between RSM and PRG
RSM Robotics is an organization of robotics enthusiasts in Brazil, started by Rafael Mattos in 2018. They wish to bring tinkering of robots to every doorstep around the world. This is made possible by joining fairs, competitions, building robots, and talking about their innovations. It is no small feat that their group, through the robots they made, has won multiple…