FAQ #2: But how do you teach these foundational skills (curriculum concern)?
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Answered by: Mr. Melvin R. Matulac
This question is related to FAQ# 1.
I have to say that these foundational skills are universal. Robotics is merely one context for its use. Thus, Grade 7 and 8, in the K12 curriculum can learn (b) Programming, (c) wiring and (d) drafting within the context of gradual problem solving during TLE Exploratory subject and time. If they have simple, and easy to use equipment (robot kits), it would be most advantageous in meeting the goals for that time.
By Grade 9 and Grade 10, communication skills and the “language of scientific inquiry and research” can slowly be introduced and practiced in Science, Math, and English. Social Studies can be data driven instead of memorization of facts so as to drive questions and reasoning. The ability to develop critical thinking is almost equal to the ability to ask the hard (essential) questions (where there is no ONE answer)
We have seen Grade 9 and Grade 10 learners build model robotics systems to have an experiential learning and even compete while teachers focus on the development of reasoning and re-design instead of who wins. The ability to think, reason, argue, innovate and design is fostered. The suggested method here can lead the reader to Design Thinking process.